Hochdorf Inside

Carob bean gum

Written by Janny Vedder | May 22, 2018 9:10:50 AM

Everything takes time to develop – and that includes our digestive systems. Our little ones need to become accustomed to milk and learn how to drink it. In addition, babies’ tummies still have a small capacity and the digestive system is very sensitive. Bringing a little milk back up is normal. But when the reflux is so great that it causes the baby to suffer, an anti-reflux infant formula with carob bean gum can ease the symptoms. Carob bean gum is a natural thickening agent which binds the milk and increases the consistency, helping it to stay down better.

  • A nat­ural prod­uct, ex­tracted from the seeds of the carob tree (Cer­a­to­nia sili­qua).
  • Ob­tained from grind­ing the seed ker­nels ­embedded in the long leath­ery pods of the tree.
  • A white/yel­low­ish, odour­less pow­der with no dis­tinc­tive taste.
  • Also knowns as lo­cust bean gum, St. John’s bread, al­gar­roba, caru­bin; it is pre­sent as E410b in gen­eral con­sumer prod­ucts.
  • A nat­ural, vis­cous, sol­u­ble and in­di­gestible but fer­mentable di­etary fibre that be­longs to the poly­saccharides (long chains of sim­ple sug­ars).
  • Suc­cess­fully used – for decades – in spe­cial di­etary for­mu­las for in­fants.
  • Thick­en­ing prop­er­ties offer an ef­fec­tive so­lu­tion for gas­tro-oe­sophageal re­flux (GOR).
  • Pre­bi­otic prop­er­ties: adding GOS re­lieves the ef­fects of hard stools and/or as­so­ci­ated colic.
  • The ‘good’ bac­te­ria in the large in­tes­tine ­(bi­fi­dobac­te­ria and lac­to­bacilli) can use GOS for their own growth. This is a process of degra­da­tion by fer­men­ta­tion. GOS is a non-­digestible but fer­mentable fibre.
  • Stim­u­lated growth of the ‘good’ bac­te­ria leads to an in­creased bac­te­r­ial bio­mass. This re­sults in an in­crease in the vol­ume and soft­ness of stools. In gen­eral: a bet­ter gut motil­ity.