Hochdorf Inside

How ice cream is made

Written by Reto Guyer | Aug 6, 2018 3:13:28 PM

Ice cream is essentially frozen, sweet milk froth and consists of tiny particles of sugar, air bubbles and fat and water droplets. The smaller the ­droplet, the creamier and fuller the ice cream tastes on the tongue.  
No-one wants ice cream that tastes ­strongly of frozen water or contains large ice crystals that hurt the mouth. We have all tasted ice crystals that are too rough either because we made the ice cream ­ourselves or because we put the ice cream back in the freezer. We don’t like eating pure ice.

High-quality freezers prevent this in industrial ice cream production, with optimised mixers and scraping technologies. They take the small air bubbles into the ice cream mixture, keep the ice crystals small and make the ice cream airy.

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