Hochdorf Inside

The perfect coffee

Written by Monique Inderbitzin | May 18, 2018 3:17:03 PM
A variety of factors influence the flavour of our coffee. It’s the frothy milk that turns a standard coffee into a latte macchiato. Your coffee machine can achieve this at home, with the right milk powder. At HOCHDORF, we are leading the way in the international coffee capsule business.

Cof­fee blend

There are around 40 dif­fer­ent types of cof­fee, al­though our se­lec­tion is gen­er­ally re­duced to a choice be­tween Ara­bica and Ro­busta. Ara­bica has a more acidic tone, with fewer bit­ter notes and more flavour­some nu­ances. Ro­busta con­tains less acid and tends to be more bit­ter. The right mix­ture comes down to per­sonal taste in the end. In the south of Italy an Ara­bica share of 60 per­cent is pre­ferred; in north Italy this rises to be­tween 75 and 100 per­cent.

Quan­tity and water qual­ity

One cup of cof­fee re­quires ap­prox 6 – 8 grams of ground cof­fee. Water makes up most of the cof­fee and is there­fore an im­por­tant flavour car­rier. Good water for cof­fee is rich in min­er­als and oxy­gen. Hard water, which is high in cal­cium car­bon­ate, pre­vents the flavour being re­leased from the cof­fee.

Op­ti­mal brew­ing tem­per­a­ture 

The op­ti­mum tem­per­a­ture, de­pend­ing on al­ti­tude, is be­tween 90 and 96 °C.

(Source: www.das-kaffeekontor.de

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion