Hochdorf Inside

The drivers and future of milk cracking

Written by Werner Schweizer | May 18, 2018 12:46:19 PM

The most important and first step was the use of the newly developed ultrafiltration system for whey in the 1970s. Once established, this technology continued to be developed further.

The dri­vers in­cluded the dis­cov­ery of the po­ten­tial of whey pro­tein in food prod­ucts, the de­sire to cre­ate in­fant for­mula as close to breast milk as pos­si­ble and as­pects re­lated to cus­toms is­sues. The im­proved sales po­ten­tial for the by-prod­uct (per­me­ate) also had an im­pact. 

Today, processes are being de­vel­oped for fur­ther, even smaller frac­tion­a­tion of pro­teins. The re­quire­ments for pro­duc­ing even bet­ter in­fant for­mula are an im­por­tant cat­a­lyst in this re­gard. In prac­tice, this means that whey pro­tein con­cen­trates are being en­riched with ad­di­tional al­pha-lac­tal­bu­min. At the same time, the fea­tures of beta-lac­toglob­u­lin need to be re­tained – no small feat in it­self. The man­u­fac­tur­ing process for mi­cel­lar ca­sein is also being de­vel­oped fur­ther.

Fur­ther in­for­ma­tion