Sustainable – from a very early age
Naturally grown produce is gaining in popularity across all ages. There is a growing interest in and enjoyment of natural foods – “urban gardening” is one case in point. In New York, London and Zurich, high above the rooftops of our major cities and small towns, thousands of luxury terraces and balconies are being transformed into tiny gardens. Impressive, top-quality organic tomatoes, red and yellow peppers, as well as potatoes and much more are popping up from balcony boxes and raised beds. In just one season urban green spaces and bare yards are being transformed into bountiful fruit and vegetable gardens for the common good. All residents can take part. Aspiring gardeners can cultivate their own or even their neighbours’ unused beds.
While both conventional and organic infant formula are subject to food laws, the organic line must also meet additional organic regulations.
Even before learning to crawl, our little ones can sit in their prams and observe their parents digging around in communal city gardens or balcony boxes. So while they are still enjoying the natural goodness of mother's milk and before they have had their first solid meal, the next generation can learn about the delicious and healthy organic food that is also supplied by Mother Nature. At HOCHDORF, we are strong advocates of breastfeeding as the best and most natural nutrition for a baby.
Focussing on organic quality
But what if a child cannot be breast fed and relies on bottle feeding or a combination of the two? And if the parents also place value on organic nutrition?
Since our company was first founded, we at HOCHDORF have given a lot of thought to different types of nutrition and to the physiological aspects of nutrition, incorporating these specific requirements into our product development – including the use of organic ingredients in infant formula.
Love of nature. More and more parents prefer to buy organically-grown foods for their children. HOCHDORF organic products make this possible from the very first months of a child's life.
We were one of the first companies to supply organic infant formula in Switzerland and we have been producing, marketing and exporting these products since the 1990s. Infant formula production is always governed by very strict laws, recommendations and guidelines. While both conventional and organic infant formula are subject to food laws, the organic line must also meet additional organic regulations. These state, for example, with the exception of a few clearly regulated by law, all agricultural ingredients must be organically grown.
In addition to producing organic infant and follow-on formula, HOCHDORF also provides other high-quality children's specialities. Our cereal supplements, paps and snacks are ideal for infants from the age of 6 months while our children's müesli is suitable for children from 12 months onwards. We feel a responsibility to offer healthy foods for toddlers and pre-schoolers, as well as infants. A balanced diet in childhood lays the foundation for good health in later life.
Organic products: purchasing motives and behaviour
People have always found natural products appealing. The results of a large-scale consumer survey(1) of 30,000 people in over 60 countries conducted by the international market research institute Nielsen were therefore hardly surprising. Respondents cited freshness, natural ingredients and minimal processing as the most desirable features of good food.
But when it comes to organic infant formula there is more to consider than these three important factors. The value chain is the main focus for buyers. Key motives include animal welfare, environmental protection, the preservation of biodiversity, but also altruistic ways of acting such as unselfishness, self sacrifice and internalised moral attitudes.(2,3)
An increasing preoccupation with nutrition is reflected in the sales growth of organic foods. In 2017, the global market for organic products approached the USD 90 billion mark and is still growing.(4) But the global share of organic infant formula is also impressive. Last year a total of 723 new infant formula products were launched, 283 of them in the organic sector.(5) These are figures that should make infant formula suppliers – as well as consumers – sit up and take notice.
Consumer behaviour, attitudes towards the environment and dietary habits change from generation to generation, or sometimes even faster. But one constant remains: parents want to provide the best for their children, to give them a good start in life. We at HOCHDORF are happy to contribute to this by offering parents healthy nutrition specialities for children.
Updated: 2021-02-17
Further information
- Overview "Facts about the organic market"
- Short article "The new EU Organic Regulation"
- Overview "Organic labels at HOCHDORF Swiss Nutrition"
1) Nielsen Global Health and Wellness Survey (2015).
2) Hanna Stolz, Simon Blattert et al. Biobarometer Schweiz: Wovon die Kaufentscheidung für Biolebensmittel abhängt. Agrarforschung Schweiz 8 (2): 62-69, 2017.
3) Hanna Stolz. Biobarometer Schweiz 2018: Was bewegt KonsumentInnen dazu, Bio zu kaufen: Symposium Bio 2018: Klasse statt Masse vom 29. Nov. 2018. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL.
4) www.handelszeitung.at/handelszeitung/bio-branche-legt-weiter-zu-155190, as at 17.12.2018.
5) Mintel, as at 17.12.2018.
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