High-quality chocolate depends on expertise
Chocolate manufacture requires considerable expertise – in terms of both raw materials and technology. The Bühler Group therefore runs courses worldwide for experts in the chocolate industry, such as the 3-day training programme "Chocolate course advanced". The course addresses issues such as the impact of raw materials on the various processes and end products. Charlotte Perich, Functional Ingredients Project Manager, was one of the trainers for this year's course – as part of HOCHDORF's Innovation and R&D team, which focused on milk powder. “My knowledge of the industry was a perfect fit for the Bühler Group expertise," says Charlotte Perich.
Crucial for taste
As part of the course, Charlotte presented the different types of milk powder, considering their production and properties. She highlighted crucial taste or process aspects such as texture, caramel flavours of varying intensity, water content or particle structure. Participants were also keen to learn about amorphous and crystalline lactose. There was also interest in HOCHDORF’s latest product, which comprises a vegan or plant-based alternative to classic milk powder.
Our expertise – your request
Contact us if you would like to know more about our products or the customised solutions we offer. We would be delighted to use our expert knowledge to find solutions for you.
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Photo with permission of the Bühler Group
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